Date: Mon, 5 Sep 94 04:30:21 PDT From: Ham-Equip Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Ham-Equip-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Ham-Equip@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: Ham-Equip Digest V94 #315 To: Ham-Equip Ham-Equip Digest Mon, 5 Sep 94 Volume 94 : Issue 315 Today's Topics: [Q] Yaesu FT-530 AEA DSP2232 Mailing List Alinco 6 meter equipment coming? CB antenna questions. (2 msgs) Do you know what a Twinplex Combiner is? FT-470 likes GMSR radio to 70cm? Kenwood TM-732A Help Request Kenwood TM-733A PL Tone distortion service bulletin Need: FT-2700 Mobile mounting braket Need addresses of HAM RADIO SHOPS in Washington DC Repeater programming - help needed. RRRAM gear for sale (2 msgs) Wanted a 9mhz cw filter for a tub type rig. Yaesu Ft-530 AM RCV Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Ham-Equip Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/ham-equip". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 03 Sep 1994 22:08:35 GMT From:!!yee@RUTGERS.EDU Subject: [Q] Yaesu FT-530 To: >Too bad they don't give you a wire to cut for extended rx only (w/o >extended xmit). Well...that depends on the user. Some would prefer a mod to eliminate the possibility of extended ANYTHING! My preference is for a ham band only rig that doesn't receive out of band signals. I prefer solid radio performance, not a poor excuse for a scanner. Perhaps Radio Shack will come out with a dual band transciever that will fill the bill for those who want two bands. Their 202 is a nice rig. In any case,I have an ICOM 32AT dual bander and rarely use it. I find carrying around my 2AT a much better idea. Much more conservative on batteries. When I need PL, out comes the Radio Shack HTX202. -- Medical Image Processing Group | 73 de Conway Yee, N2JWQ | DON'T 411 Blockley Hall | EMAIL : | TREAD 423 Guardian Drive | TELEPHONE : 1 (215) 662-6780 | ON Philadelphia, PA 19104-6021 (USA) | FAX : 1 (215) 898-9145 | ME! ------------------------------ Date: 5 Sep 1994 00:01:03 +0200 From:!usc!!!!!!!! Subject: AEA DSP2232 Mailing List To: ==================================================================== This is the Mailserver at EUnet EUregio POP Aachen ==================================================================== If you are interested in exchanging information on the AEA DSP 2232 - Digital Signal Processing Multi-Mode Data Controller you are invited to join our Mailing list (started on May 12, 1994). Please subscribe by sending a Mail to [or] with the subject: "subscribe" . If you would like to share your experiences of knowledge on the unit, write you contributions to [or]. ==================================================================== Automatic weekly mailing ==================================================================== ------------------------------ Date: 4 Sep 1994 11:59:49 GMT From:!swrinde!gatech!concert!! Subject: Alinco 6 meter equipment coming? To: A rumour has started around these parts that in about 6 weeks, Alinco will bring out a line of 6 meter FM equipment. Anyone on the net know anything about this? Mobile, portable, power, features, price? Please post if you have heard anything. Marv Hoffman, KD4EGV/AA Boone, NC INTERNET: HOFFMANMK@APPSTATE.EDU ------------------------------ Date: 2 Sep 1994 21:39:02 GMT From:!!!!!news.Arizona.EDU!nemo! Subject: CB antenna questions. To: In article <> (Greg Rusenovich) writes: > >The closer you get to 1.0 on your SWR, the stronger your signal. Also if I wouldn't worry about my signal if the swr is below 2:1, unless the radio itself has some swr limits it can see without it reducing its power output. Howard ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 02 Sep 94 21:11:15 mdt From:!agate!!!!!!! Subject: CB antenna questions. To: In article <34861m$st3@news.CCIT.Arizona.EDU>, writes: > Path:!ncar!gatech!!usc!!news!news.Arizona.EDU!nemo!hlester > From: (Howard Lester) > > References: <> > NNTP-Posting-Host: > > In article <> (Greg Rusenovich) writes: I must say it is pretty classy for a couple of hams to answer a CBers questions. The fellow seems well grounded in radio ops and your answers and attitudes may well encourage him to join the ham ranks. Cudos for good will 73 de Jerry KC5EGG ------------------------------ Date: 4 Sep 1994 12:49:13 -0400 From:!usc!!!!!panix! Subject: Do you know what a Twinplex Combiner is? To: In the hope that someone out there might know of someone who might be interested in this equipment before it goes into the junkheap, I ask the following question: Anyone interested in a Twinplex Converter and Twinplex Combiner made by Northern Radio Company in the 1950's? I believe this equipment was used to multiplex/demultiplex 2 non-synchronous telegraph transmissions. This stuff is in immaculate condition, there are manuals, and if there is any chance that anyone out there collects this stuff, or has any other use for it, I'd really like to find out. Sorry for the interruption, and now back to our regularly scheduled programming. -- David Silver ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 4 Sep 1994 16:57:16 +0000 From:!swrinde!gatech!udel!!demon!! Subject: FT-470 likes To: In article "Richard E. Stealey" writes: > I'm surprised there hasn't been much or any comments about > the lousy audio output of this rig. It is definitely > inferior to the other HTs on the market (the Alinco 580 > blows it away). It is not usable in a > car, hard to use on your belt without a spkr/mike at a > hamfest, etc. I've used mine in my extremely-noisy four-wheel-drive vehicle, and I've had to treat it like a mobile phone if the spkr/mike is not plugged in! I've seriously considered routing the audio through the car's sound system. Another way would be to lash up a headset-mic and PTT box similar to that which was available for the previous model of radio from Yaesu. I've never seen a set-up like this produced by Yaesu for the '470, though. > Otherwize, I love it. I've had it for three years, have > worn out two batteries and no problems (its great for use > indoors where there is plenty of oudio). Worn-out batteries are a problem here right now! :-) 73's -- Mike Dower G0VEY 'Quoth the raven, "Never more".' ... Poe VK2ENG ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 4 Sep 1994 17:37:26 GMT From:!swrinde!!!!krk!! Subject: GMSR radio to 70cm? To: Hello! I wonder have anyone tried to modify a GMRS - handie talkie to 70cm? Are the radios for GMRS crystal controlled or what? The price rate, abt $100 seems to be a right rate for a 1ch 70cm radio, to monitor and operate a local repeater. Please e-mail if you know anything! /Erik -- E R I K F I N S K A S OH2LAK ------------------------------------ TELE: Jo puoli miljoonaa InterNet: vihaista NMT-GSM soittelijaa Radiolinja on paljon huonompi Amateur Packet: OH2LAK@OH2RBJ.FIN.EU kuin me. ------------------------------------ Puh.k.90-803 8404 a.940-500 6800 RL: Tele on paljon meit{ huonompi. t.90-693 1107 a.950-555 0551 Me ollaan ehdottomasti parempi. ------------------------------ Date: 4 Sep 1994 00:33:20 GMT From:!!agate!!!!!! Subject: Kenwood TM-732A Help Request To: Ryan Mcneilly ( wrote: : Okay! I admit it, the Kenwood manual SUCKS!!!! They should hire someone : that speaks English to write the stinken manual. My dad and I can't : figure out how to make the DTSS function work on our new TM-732A. We ^^^^ = Dual Tone Squelch System??? What function are you trying to use? The remote control feature DOES NOT work on memory channels! Both RX and TX freqs MUST be in the VFO. 73 =paul= wb8zjl ------------------------------ Date: 3 Sep 1994 12:12:01 -0400 From:!!agate!!gatech!!!! Subject: Kenwood TM-733A PL Tone distortion service bulletin To: In article <348tv6$1cr@antares.Austin.Lockheed.COM>, (p653663) writes: Hi Dick, well my S/N is 60300967 and mine as the PL Tone distortion problem. When I talked to Kenwood they just found the way to fix the problem this last week, or at least made it public. You can listen to your own signal by listening to your own signal through a scanner or an HT. Just listen to the difference in the signal with the PL tone on then Off. 73's Lonnie ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 4 Sep 1994 21:11:20 GMT From:! Subject: Need: FT-2700 Mobile mounting braket To: That's right. I need the MMB-27 so I can stick it in my car. I also may need a couple of mounting rings, because the thing was sold to me with two of them missing also, but for now I'll just start with the braket. I'm also quite daft with mounting antennas, and the like, so I could also do with a few pointers on where and how to mount such a beast and how to keep it secure. Thanks. ___________ ___________ Murphy ain't seen nothing yet |...........| |Attempting | |: DON'T :| |recovery...| |: PANIC :| |1067 pages | |:.........:| |unrecovered| Angus March |-----------|____ __|___________|__ internet: /_____________\ |_________________| AX.25: VE2UFP@VE2FKB.#MTL.PQ.CAN.CA ------------------------------ Date: 3 Sep 1994 17:27:25 -0000 From: agate!!!!!!!!!!KremlSun!izhmar!quorus! Subject: Need addresses of HAM RADIO SHOPS in Washington DC To: I am going to Washington DC in September. Hope to purchase some equipment which is still in short supply here in Russia. Can somebody in that area help with addresses of shops selling new and used equipment. Are there flea markets and rallies scheduled in the area between 16 of September and 6 of November? Iwould appreciate any assistance. -- Best regards, Igor Sokolov, ( UA9CDC ) E-mail: Fax: 3432 229621 ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 4 Sep 1994 02:00:13 +0300 (GMT+0300) From:!! Subject: Repeater programming - help needed. To: Hello! Does someone can help with any information about programming of Motorola MC COMPACT (looks like this is its name ;-) repeater? We need to reprogram it for use in 2m amateur band. Looks like this unit can be hooked to PC serial port via voltage levels converter, but there is nothing in the manual about this, except few notes on circuit diagrams. Looks like our local Motorola distributors doesn't like amateurs so much ;-), so ANY help will be greatly apperciated... Our host is temporarily out of newsfeed, so please answer directly to Best 73 to all and please excuse my poor English.. Yuri /UA3ATQ/ Moscow, Russia. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 03 Sep 94 18:03:31 EST From: iglou!! Subject: RRRAM gear for sale To: Tell me more about the 6 meter. I'm kind of new to this and I would like to get into 6 meter. If it would be suitable as a starter radio I'll probably take it. Ralph - KY - KD4VQK IG>Gonset G28 6 meter am transmitter - $40 IG>Millen exciter 98001 and modulator 98031. Rack mount, 50 and 40 watts, IG>6146's. $110 IG>Greg - Boston - KA1KTW --- ³ SLMR 2.1a ³ It's only a hobby ... only a hobby ... only a ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 03 Sep 94 18:03:30 EST From: iglou!! Subject: RRRAM gear for sale To: Tell me more about the 6 meter. I'm kind of new to this and I would like to get into 6 meter. If it would be suitable as a starter radio I'll probably take it. Ralph - KY - KD4VQK IG>Gonset G28 6 meter am transmitter - $40 IG>Millen exciter 98001 and modulator 98031. Rack mount, 50 and 40 watts, IG>6146's. $110 IG>Greg - Boston - KA1KTW --- ³ SLMR 2.1a ³ It's only a hobby ... only a hobby ... only a ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 2 Sep 1994 18:51:01 GMT From:!swrinde!!convex!!!!!dolphin! Subject: Wanted a 9mhz cw filter for a tub type rig. To: I have a tempo one, and am looking for a narrow band 9 mhz I.F. cw filter for the rig. I am sure that most any type of tube design cw filter would work. Anybody having one in the junk box from a scrapped tube HF rig, drop me a email. Ed N3SDO ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 4 Sep 94 14:52:53 GMT From:!usc!!!! Subject: Yaesu Ft-530 AM RCV To: I am wondering if the Yaesu Ft-530 can receive aircraft after doing the MARS/CAP modification. I am sort of fustrated that you lose the capability. If anyone has the answer please let me know how to work around the problem..73 es tnx Rob kd1jg /aar1fu -- *************************************************************************** * Bob Cartier * * Middletown, CT Email UUCP cartier@a3bee2 * * (203) 632-9055 Eves Email Internet * * (203) 287-6093 Days Packet Radio * *************************************************************************** ------------------------------ Date: 3 Sep 1994 17:03:01 -0400 From: psinntp!JH.Org! To: References <33qv2r$>, <33vj7u$>, <342anv$> Subject : Re: [Q] Yaesu FT-530 (Robert Bordwell) writes: >: Green wire? What green wire? Pads 13 should have been shorted by a blob >: of solder, not wire unless Yaesu has changed things VERY recently. The >: pads are separately by only about 1/2-mm. >: Suggest you reconnect that little green wire and make sure the instructions >: you have are for mod'ing the FT-530 and not some other radio. Of all the >: 530 mods that I have read, I don't believe any mentioned a green wire. > My FT-530 had the green wire loop and I purchased it 5/21/94. >Around the time I purchased it, there were a bunch of posts on the net >reguarding this subject. I guess Yaesu decided to make the mod a little >easier. Yes, the green was the right wire. The reason mine didn't work right away is that I needed to power up the HT with no batteries. This did the trick. Too bad they don't give you a wire to cut for extended rx only (w/o extended xmit). Thanks for everyone's help, 73, Steve >Rob KE6JDH -- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Steve Steinberg Amateur Radio Callsign: _______ ------------------------------ End of Ham-Equip Digest V94 #315 ******************************